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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

CP Blog: Penguin of the Day: Robot Tin

Hey Penguins, Thamyan here giving you the latest Club Penguin Cheats! Today Daffodaily5 has posted a new penguin of the day. If you know him he makes Youtube videos and they are pretty good. His igloos are also good to! Here is the blog post.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a river in an igloo as EPIC as this one! Robot Tin has done an ace job with this igloo and I hear they're a pretty friendly penguin too! :)
Don’t forget, all Penguin of the Day winners get 5000 coins, so Contact Us!
-Club Penguin Team
Congrats on getting Penguin of the Day Robot Tin! If you want your friend or you to become POTD then click the Contact Us link in the blog post.
Waddle On! ~Thamyan

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