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Friday, August 9, 2013

Goodbye Club Penguin Emporium!

Hey there my fellow Penguins,

Since we're loosing posting accuracy im deciding to shut CPE down. I remember the first day I started Club Penguin Emporium back in July 2012. I was playing around in paint.net one day until I thought of a brilliant name for my site. I was going to call it Club Penguin Flash but when I thought of emporium I hit it. Before I shut it down I'd like to thank all the authors for the site Thamyan are most accurate poster, Marc978 and last but not least Wanney. These authors should so much enthusiasm in posting and in their carrer. Iggylover a great friend of mine was the first ever author on CPE but unfortuantly she quit as she was too busy. Bye guys this is Club Penguin Emporium singing off. Waddle on!

-Munchkin3400, Owner of Club Penguin Emporium

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