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Friday, August 16, 2013

#Waddle On Ep. 6

Hey Penguins! Today Club Penguin had made a new #Waddle On! In this one there are really cool things going on and possible sneak peaks of things that could be coming out. Here is the video!

Now here are the sneak peak pictures there were some really cool things going on in this episode. The first one was when it was nighttime.

Do you think there will be a night time in Club Penguin? It would be a really cool feature to Club Penguin!

The next one is really cool! The next one is when everything gets all 3-D. Here is a picture.

On the top left corner if you can see there are words that say "My Penguin App footage shown" In the future you can play Club Penguin on the Ipad or should I say My Penguin App!

Later Penguins! ~Thamyan

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