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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

CP Blog: Sneak Peek Clothing Catalog

Hey Penguins, Thamyan here giving you the latest Club Penguin Cheats well before not so much. The whole Club Penguin Emporium has been busy lately so we could not post for awhile. We hired a new blogger so he can back us up while we were gone but nothing got posted so I hope our new author post something. Anyway back to the topic. The Club Penguin team has released to the pubic a new penguin style coming out in the next penguin style or tomorrow. Here is the blog post:

 Hello penguins!
Here's a little taste of what you can look forward to in this upcoming penguin style...
What other medieval-esque clothing items are you hoping for?
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Wow looks so medieval! Well it is the medieval party so there will be styles of it.Question of the Day: What is your favorite part of the costume? Mine is the bow! It is gold so yeah. Stay tuned for more cheats and updates!

Waddle On! ~Thmayan

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